Pressure Calibration
The calibration laboratory of BD SENSORS is accredited by Český institut pro akreditaci o.p.s. (Czech Accreditation Institute) based on ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (Accredited calibration laboratory No. K2233).
Calibration certificates issued by an accredited calibration laboratory are internationally recognized under contracts signed by CAI. The Czech Accreditation Institute is the signatory to the EA MLA ( and to the ILAC MRA ( on the mutual recognition of accreditation results in the field of calibration.
We perform calibration of pressure gauges of all types, in gauge pressure, negative gauge pressure and absolute pressure up to 250 MPa.
Measurement range, uncertainty - calibration measurement capability CMC and the pressure media used (see Scope of Accreditation) allow the BD SENSORS´ calibration lab to calibrate practically all pressure gauges used in industrial practice. Our laboratory´s calibration procedures comply with the international documents EURAMET cg-17, version 4.0 and EURAMET cg-3, version 1.0.
The BD SENSORS calibration laboratory has been accredited since 1995. Since then it has undergone a number of audits. It participates regularly in interlaboratory comparisons (PT), which confirm the laboratory's ability to provide the high quality services in the calibration of pressure gauges.
Your contacts:
Mgr. Ivo Vaverka
Head of Calibration Laboratory
tel.: +420 572 411 015
Ing. Alois Medek
Quality Manager of Calibration Laboratory
tel.: +420 572 411 059
Alan Lízal
Calibration Laboratory Head Technician
tel.: +420 572 411 015
Václav Králík
Calibration Laboratory Technician
tel.: +420 572 411 015
Calibration laboratory services
BD SENSORS Calibration Laboratory performs the calibration of:
- mechanical pressure gauges
- pressure transducers and transmitters
- digital pressure gauges and pressure calibrators
- piston pressure gauges
- testing systems for aviation ADTS (air data test sets)
- liquid and annular pressure gauges (excluding accreditation)
Are you interested in our calibration laboratory services? Send us a request via the contact form

On the customer's request, it is also possible to issue a calibration certificate with an qualified electronic signature. According to the decision rule prescribed by the customer, we will report a statement of conformity with specification in calibration certificate.