in selection and problem solving
Reliable pressure and level measurement - With this single competency in mind, our company is the universal supplier of a huge range of products ranging from electronic measuring instruments on the one hand, to the most precise data evaluation and display technology on the other.
The fact that our products are versatile for a wide variety of industries and challenges underscores the long-term vision of their design.
BD SENSORS is the global address for accurate use of pressure measurement technology and hydrostatic level measuring.

About us
BD SENSORS is a medium sized, owner-managed company, which attaches great importance to independence and sustainibility.
What makes a family business strong? Or, in another way, what should a family business be based on? Because family is the foundation of a larger whole, a family business in particular must be measured upon its credibility and stability. When responsibly dealing with customers and employees, decisions have to be healthy and sustainable.
Active presence of owners on running company assures stability. Despite being worldwide company, its headquarters are located in Buchlovice, Czechia and Thierstein, Germany. Other branch can be found in China.
Starting with 4 basic types of sensors we increased our portfolio to 80 types
In addition, we have developed hundreds of customer-specific solutions, underlining the competence and flexibility of BD SENSORS. The excellent price/efficiency ratio of our products is proof of the fact that we are able to meet the toughest demand: Being a problem-solver for our customer.
For larfe production batches as well as for small lot sizes, no matter for what medium or external factors, with almost any mechanical or electrical connections - we solve your problem.